This page contains a small number of TV listings and articles culled from a number of magazines over the years, most are from the days before SF magazines (even before Starburst). The Metamorph item is of interest as it mentions 'Simon Hayes', the original name for the character of Tony Verdeschi. Why they would want to throw this fact in and add to the confusion is anybody's guess. Contrast the size of the cast listing for the first episode of Space:1999 and the Sunday afternoon repeats of UFO in 1976 with the late night showing of Timelash around the same time.
The Secret Service item is of interest due to its rarity; the series was screened very infrequently in only a few parts of Britain. This one is from Thursday January 22nd, 1970. The Stingray items state they are 'not in colour' - maybe they showed black and white prints or were just confused by the monochrome opening sequence (these are also from 1976). The Into Infinity item is from the Radio Times circa 1976 - at the time it was unknown for an Anderson production to appear anywhere other than ITV. The Fireballs items are from circa 1965 - note the attention given to the cast. The colour Space:1999 item is from a German magazine, announcing a repeat run in 1997. An approximate translation would be, 'Back again! John Koenig has hardly been appointed Commander of the Moonbase, there are already problems. Several technicians are struck by a strange illness...' With apologies to my old German teacher.
Thanks to Keith Ansell, John Archbold, Shaqui Le Vesconte and Dagmar Freund.