






















Issue 18 is now available, Earthmen (just click on the 'Buy Andersonic' link on the left). 

The new issue features…

David Elliott interview - a new interview with APF's editor and director in which he discusses his work on the APF series.

Alan Perry interview - Alan talks of his time working at APF/Century 21 on series such as Stingray and Thunderbirds and directing Captain Scarlet and the live-action UFO, working with puppets, actors and chihuahuas.

Thunderbirds - Is it Invisible TV? A look at why the Andersons' series are often overlooked by the more academic articles about television.

UFO/ Computer Affair - Someone's in lurve but Ed Straker needs a computer to see it. We look at an underrated episode…

Joe 90/ Most Special Agent - two writers discuss this series opener. One of them likes it… the other one's not so sure. 

How do you watch your fave series? -  Our writers reveal their little rituals when watching a bit of Anderson telly.

Strip Story - we look at an individual comic strip to see what makes it tick. This issue - Countdown's Stingray story 'Model Mission' drawn by Brian Lewis.

…plus Alpha Log reports, 2014's event reviews and The Overseers of Psychon. New art by Nigel Parkinson and cover image by Martin Bower.

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So what exactly is Andersonic? It's an A5 fanzine which covers the films and television series of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. Each issue contains features and articles which explore and discuss their many series, from the black and white Supercar and Fireball XL5, 60s series StingrayThunderbirdsCaptain ScarletJoe 90 and The Secret Service; the live-action series UFO and Space:1999 and later stuff such as Terrahawks and right up to date with New Captain Scarlet. In previous issues we have also covered the films Doppelganger and Into Infinity - as well as a look at other productions which they have influenced. We have featured interviews with, amongst others, Mike Trim, Dominic Lavery, Shaun Whittacker-Cook, Jan King, Robert Easton, Tony Harding and Mike Noble.

Andersonic is published every 6 months (very approximately) and is available to buy via this website plus one or two other outlets, and via eBay around the time of publication. All issues are still in print and available from this site. If you'd like to be kept informed of the availability of current and future issues, please send an email and you'll be added to the mailing list.  

The fanzine is run on a strictly non-profit basis.














Jamie Anderson has launched a Kickstarter campaign to produce a 22-minute pilot episode of Gerry Anderson's 'lost' series Firestorm. Log onto its Kickstarter page at   https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1717674777/gerry-andersons-firestorm-filmed-in-ultramarionati -  for more details on how to get behind this exciting new project.



Site updates:

09/10/14 - Issue 18 Out Now, Firestorm 

07/03/14 - Issue 17 out now

12/07/13 - Fireball XL5 CD & Born for Adversity reviews added

14/03/13 - Home page and Links updated, The Investigator DVD review added 

28/02/13 - Issue 15 added

01/04/11 - New Articles - 'Spectrum Strikes Back'  & 'Point 783' reviews